Our company had a great success during Posidonia Exposition 2008 which took place in Athens, during 02 - 06 of June.
During this event we have presented our project of 41,000 dwt Oil/Chemical Tanker IMO 3 and the new 50,000 dwt Oil/Chemical Tanker, also promoting our capabilities and performance works in shiprepairs and conversion sector.
We have displayed a scale model of Histria Tiger, the 10th vessel of the 41,000 dwt series, ship which will be delivered this month.
It was a pleasure to meet our present equipment’s suppliers, this exhibition being a great opportunity to study the future possibilities and to obtain information about new suppliers and new technologies. Also, we met high representatives of Greek owners – a target market for our Shiprepairs Department.
We are looking forward to the 2010 Posidonia Exhibition, hoping to meet you once again at our stand.